Acting Photos & Press

Act 2 Playhouse "These are the production's best qualities: Eisenhower and Thompson hamming it up, singing out, and using every inch of Act II's...stage.... [The production] expands every time Eisenhower and Thompson take center stage." -Wendy Rosenfield, Philadelphia Inquirer "Jennie Eisenhower leads the company with a compelling, beautifully sung Lilli/Kate." - Neal Newman, DC Metro Theatre Arts

Arden Theatre Company "Jennie Eisenhower sings beautifully and appealingly as (Leo Frank's) wife Lucille." -Steven Cohen, Broad Street Review

Resident Theatre Company "Barrymore winner Jennie Eisenhower’s stellar performance as Helen is one of the highlights of the show. Her comedic timing and singing are superb. One example of her skill is how she mines a long running gag throughout the play for fresh laughs." Diane Cooley, Fig

11th Hour Theatre Company "It features the fabulous Jennie Eisenhower, who has reinvented herself again — from a pretty ingénue soprano, to a serious dramatic actress, and now, a physical comic and powerhouse vocal belter. And the material that Ogborn gives her? Let’s just say Merman had her “Rose’s Turn,” Menzel has her “Defying Gravity” — and now, Eisenhower has her “Vicariously.” David Anthony Fox, Citypaper

Walnut Street Theatre "Jennie Eisenhower’s megawatt smile and mobile face make her perfect for comedy – not to overlook her gorgeous and far-ranging singing voice." -Toby Zinman, Philadelphia Inquirer

The Media Theatre "The talented Jennie Eisenhower portrays the combative, outspoken 20-year-old Ann Sullivan with a touch of the New England spinster. You really believe that Annie's drive is powered by her own experiences, and that helps Jennie anchor both her tenderness and her toughness with little display of affectation towards her pupil." Pati Buehler, Broadway World

The Media Theatre "Coon and Eisenhower played their roles for real, with perverse inner lives that were no joke to them and thus made sense beyond the laughs they generated....With her imperious jawline and high cheekbones, Eisenhower's Morticia could easily be found in a box seat at the Metropolitan Opera." David Patrick Stearns, Philadelphia Inquirer

Bristol Riverside Theatre “...The singers make the songs better just by the high quality of their acting….And none is higher than Jennie Eisenhower." Howard Shapiro, Philadelphia Inquirer "...a strong actress — grounded, nuanced, and vibrant.” Kathryn Osenlund, Curtain Up

The Media Theatre "Jennie Eisenhower shines as the mom every kid would want – stern but forgiving, with a sly, knowing smile and a tendency to roll her eyes at every ridiculous pronouncement her husband makes. Her beautifully-sung solos 'What a Mother Does' and 'Just Like That,' which give the show a welcome touch of compassion and humanity, are among the show’s highlights." -Tim Dunleavy, DC Metro Arts

The Arden Theatre "Jennie Eisenhower, sweet and infatuated, and giving us a beautifully nuanced portrait of the character." Howard Shapiro, Newsworks

The Media Theatre "Eisenhower...endows her character with more depth than I've seen in other productions." Steve Cohen, Broad Street Review

Walnut Street Theatre "Hail, comic geniuses Dave Jadico, Jennie Eisenhower, and Ben Dibble. What faces! They play it to the hilt, then they find another hilt and play it to that, hilt after hilt." - John Timpane, "Philadelphia Inquirer"

Mauckingbird Theatre Company “Jennie Eisenhower does a contained, detailed job as the dissatisfied yet convention-bound wife in this lesbian adaptation by Caroline Kava for Mauckingbird Theatre Company.” -Kathryn Osenlund, Curtain Up

Olney Theatre “In the title role, Eisenhower is the show’s greatest asset.” Washington Examiner “Miss Eisenhower’s performance is positively luminous." The Catholic Standard

Media Theatre Company "Eisenhower as a simultaneously needy and seductive Kate seems to understand the high stakes in the piece and gets under the skin of her character." Warren Hoffman,

Walnut Street Theatre "Eisenhower most charmingly warmed the stage with her take on the hostess and clearly visible, made-for-theater features.” Asla Zlatina, The Examiner

Walnut Street Theatre "Always spot-on adorable" Pati Beuhler,

Walnut Street Theatre “Jennie Eisenhower (Ata) has an amazing energy onstage and completely sucks the audience into the thoughtful and crazy musings of her character. " Lydia Hryshchyshyn, The Triangle